Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Displaying MiniPage Layout on Hover

This post uses the standard Salesforce CSS to display the User Mini Page Layout on mouse Hover,
Consider this post as a Trick on how to make use of the Standard Salesforce behavior in your Visualforce



Note: SmallPhotoUrl gives the User Thumbnail Profile photo, which is available in API version 20.0 and later


  1. Thank you very very much!!!

    Just one question, where can I get this information in salesforce???, I mean there's supposed to be a web page in salesforce that has all these features right?, so where can I get it!

    Thanks in advance,



  2. Thank you Very much!
    But i have a problem .If there is more than one occurrence of same id ,then if you hover on another link then it shows hover on first id. How to stop it.
